Matcha Mornings are my jam.
I got interested in matcha after I realized I was consuming way too much coffee, didn’t like how it was making me feel, and it stopped tasting good to me, and I immediately realized it was time for a coffee detox — I love a good ViceDetox every once in a while! More on that later…
Cut to summer of 2018. At this time I was following a handful of “wellness” and pro-whole foods bloggers/instagrammers. Which for me has always been an easy way to plug into a subject of interest as a busy working mom. I quickly fell into the glorious rabbit hole of #adaptogens #potions and #matcha (big science and nutrition nerd over here ), and LeeFromAmerica was my gateway drug and muse — thanks guuurl.
She introduced me to the word of adaptogens. And has a great blogpost on what they’re all about, and why you might want to add some into a potion of your own. Check it out: “All About Adaptogens“
Anywayyy I will certainly get into more of the potions and adaptogen thang at a later date. But for now, here’s my favorite daily go-to matcha recipe:
2 tsp matcha powder (I love latte grade @MyEncha; I buy it on Amazon)
1/4 tsp Ashwaganda (SunPotion)
1/2 tsp Tocos (SunPotion)
2 scoops collagen peptides (@VitalProteins is my fave, and this brand @AncientNutrition was on sale at WF, and so far so good)
~8 oz unsweetened almond milk (or coconut or cashew or oatmilk, or a blend)
Dash cinnamon
1 packet stevia
Put all of the above in the Vitamix, and fill to the 2 c line with hot water. PSA: If you don’t have an electric tea pot, like the KitchenAid one I have, go buy this efficient time saver now.
Blend ’til frothy perfection and serve piping hot in the Yeti of your choosing.
So damn delicious and energizing and feels good during and after, and there’s no let down like after coffee wears off.
BOOM, morning made.
xx, Danielle