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Lactation Smoothie Meets Power Breakfast

Writer's picture: DanielleDanielle

THIS is what I make every morning. I love it for a few reasons:

1| It’s delicious. Don’t let the color fool you.

2| It’s packed with perfectly balance nutrition, with good macro-nutrient ratios, for a healthy breakfast with staying power and lactation support.

3| It’s transportable and can be consumed at any pace while juggling two rugrats and racing out the door for am workouts, work and/or life in general.

Here’s how you make it:

  1. 3 scoops DrinkOrgain chocolate protein powder

  2. 1 cup unsweetened LoveMySilk cashew milk (almond milk is good too)

  3. 1 tbsp Solgar brewers yeast

  4. 1 tbsp organic flaxseed meal (keep it in the fridge!)

  5. 1/3 c Quaker oats

  6. 1/4-1/2 c nonfat Greek yogurt

  7. 1/2 banana (ate the other half with pb immediately upon entering kitchen for survival)

  8. 1-2 tbsp peanut butter (Love me some #AdamsNaturalPeanutButter)

  9. 1/2 c frozen blueberries (or frozen berry of choice)

  10. Handful spinach (or other leafy green)

  11. 1 packet stevia

  12. Dash cinnamon

  13. Blend in Vitamix, transfer to to-go vessel

It’s definitely on the higher calorie side…because I’m breastfeeding twins…and need the fuel! And also because I drink it as my breakfast and it keeps me full. But it can easily be adjusted to a lower cal version and still tastes good (ex. less nut butter, no yogurt, etc…). I buy most of the ingredients in bulk at Costco and TraderJoes.


xx, Danielle



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Created by Danielle

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